Auschwitz Foundation - 1942-1944: The Dossin Barracks in Mechlin
1942-1944: The Dossin Barracks in Mechlin

Sarah Timperman, Stéphanie Perrin, 1942-1944. La caserne Dossin à Malines. Des témoins racontent..., Bruxelles, 2013. (no. 2) [1942-1944: The Dossin Barracks in Mechlin: Witnesses Speak...]

dvd dossin

The documentary The Dossin Barracks in Mechlin is the second volume in the ‘Words from the Archives’ collection produced by Remembrance of Auschwitz from audiovisual accounts collected by the Auschwitz Foundation.
The Dossin barracks in Mechelen/Malines [Mechlin], often seen as an antechamber of death, was the point of departure in the process of deporting and exterminating the Jews living in Belgium.

Seven witnesses recount their different experiences of the Dossin barracks: Natan Ramet and Félix Gutmacher, deported during the very first weeks the camp existed; Léon Leit and Dounia Sadowski, who stayed there several months as they waited to discover what their fate would be; Régine Krochmal, arrested as a Jewish resistance member; Bénita Hirschfeld and Hélène Rajzner, who were part of the Jewish staff of the barracks. Each of these witnesses tells a unique and subjective story, but, at the same time, together they tell of a shared ordeal.

This film, directed by Sarah Timperman and Stéphanie Perrin of Remembrance of Auschwitz, is on sale at the price of €12.50.

Duration of the documentary: 45 min.

The film is in French, subtitled in Dutch.

Booklet accompanying the DVD
in French / in Dutch

DVD Trailers

French version

Dutch Version


Auschwitz Foundation – Remembrance of Auschwitz
Rue aux Laines 17 box 50 – B-1000 Brussels
   +32 (0)2 512 79 98
BCE/KBO Auschwitz Foundation: 0876787354
BCE/KBO Remembrance of Auschwitz: 0420667323

Office open from Monday to Friday  9:30am to 4:30pm.
Visit only by appointment.

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