Auschwitz Foundation - Online Order - Trains and the Holocaust
Online Order:
Trains and the Holocaust: From a Symbol of Progress to a Genocidal Tool
I would like to order
copy/copies of Frédéric Crahay, Veerle Vanden Daelen (Eds.), Trains and the Holocaust: From a Symbol of Progress to a Genocidal Tool: The use of Trains in the Militärverwaltung Belgien und Nordfrankreich (1940-1944), 2023, 98 p. (€10.00 + shipping costs). (Postage costs vary according to weight and destination country. For further information, please contact the Secretariat via email.)


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To confirm your order, click on "Submit". Orders will be dispatched as quickly as possible, after payment of the total amount (including postage), which we will inform you of by e-mail (subject to availability of items ordered).



Fondation Auschwitz – Mémoire d'Auschwitz ASBL
Rue aux Laines, 17 boîte 50 – B-1000 Bruxelles
   +32 (0)2 512 79 98
BCE Fondation Auschwitz : 0876787354
BCE Mémoire d'Auschwitz : 0420667323

Bureaux ouverts du lundi au vendredi de 9 h 30 à 16 h 30,
accès uniquement sur rendez-vous.

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